146.835 mHz
minus 600khz offset
PL Tone 100 hz
Monday Evening at 7PM is the 2 Meter ARES Net hosted by a net control person each week.
Technical specs –
Echolink enabled Node 68420
You can Echolink into K1SV from your PC, laptop or mobile device (Windows only) by downloading the program from their site and confirming you are a licensed ham radio station.
Once installed run the program and go to Tools – Setup and enter your preferences.
To locate K1SV select STATION then FIND as per the screenshot below, then enter K1SV as the search term. (any search term is valid)
By default when you connect to a station, the system usually announces your call sign and that you connected by making a transmission from the station itself. So any stations listening ought to be notified you are there. After waiting for a while and not hearing anything, you can still announce yourself with call sign, and QTH and if any of us are listening, we will respond back.