Website comments

Welcome to the new SOVARC website! If you have any questions or comments, post them here.

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9 Responses to Website comments

  1. Bob Collins says:

    Dear Chuck,

    I like the format on the “new Thought I’d leave a comment for you.

  2. Mike says:

    I second the above post.
    Mike N3TYA

  3. Tim Scoggins says:

    I am looking for a 40′-50′ antenna tower. I’m willing to drive a couple of hours for it.

    • SOVARC2018 says:

      Sorry didnt see this post till now. The West River Radio club had one available. We have a link to their site on our links page, but not sure if they still have the tower available as it was many months ago.

  4. Patrick Honan says:

    I’d like to renew my membership but didn’t see any info on the website about how to do so.


  5. William Clark says:

    For The Bennington radio club. Dues are. 20.00 a year. Checks made out to SOVARC. The mailing address is. William Clark C/O. SOVAC 207 Maple St apt 2 Bennington VT 05201

  6. Jon Massari says:

    was wondering if you give technician and general license test and if yes when?

  7. Glenn says:

    I have been in touch with a woman who is trying to sell her husband’s station and all equipment. I have a few pictures, some are being posted on Facebook, and expect to receive a list with asking prices soon. How can I circulate this to the members?

  8. Glenn says:

    SK Pete, WE2M station information:
    ICOM. IC-7100. HF/VHF/UHF. All mode transceiver. Asking $900.00 OBO. Yaesu. C4fm. FDMA/FM. 144/430 MHZ50W. Dual band transceiver. $375.00. Yaesu. FTM 100 DR/DE. Dual band transceiver. $325.00.
    Yaesu. FT-8900-R. Quad band FM transceiver. $275.00

    I have seen this equipment and it is all in good shape, most still in original boxes.
    Cindy can be reached on FaceBook (look under the SOVARC page at her listings), or you can reach out to me (Glenn KA2DTH) and I can provide you with her telephone #.

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